6 Lagu Kpop Tentang Ayah Ini Dijamin Bikin Kita Terharu!

Selain ibu, ayah tentunya juga memiliki tempat spesial di hati kita. Enggak heran jika ayah juga menjadi sumber inspirasi, termasuk dalam bentuk lagu. Seleb Korea juga sering membuat lagu tentang ayah. Ini dia 6 lagu Korea tentang ayah yang mengharukan. Klik di sini untuk melihat cerita seru seleb Kpop dengan ayah mereka.

 Hopefully Sky (Jung Eunji)

Lagu debut Jung Eunji ini diperuntukkan khusus bagi sang ayah. Di lagu ini, member A Pink ini kembali ke tempat yang dulu sering didatanginya bersama sang ayah. Di sana, dia teringat masa kecilnya. Lewat lagu, Eunji mengungkapkan perasaan sayang dan terima kasih kepada sang ayah. Meski sudah dewasa, Eunji masih merasa seperti anak kecil karena masih butuh bimbingan sang ayah.

The flower petal sways my heart
The flower petal wets my eyes
Beautiful memories
Blue sky
That’s all I look at

Hey little child don’t get weak
Don’t live carrying all of the sadness alone
Dad where do I go
So I can live like your heart did

We can see the biggest star in our neighborhood
In the spring when warm sunlight blooms the flowers

I comfort you I love you
With your song

Father (BtoB)

Lagu ini sukses membuat kita meneteskan air mata, girls. Di sini, member BtoB mengingat masa kecil dan menyesal dulu enggak dekat dengan sang ayah. Memang, sih, ayah selalu menampakkan sosok tegar di hadapan kita, dan selalu menyembunyikan kesedihan. Dan, mereka pun akhirnya menyadari kesalahan tersebut dan menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih lewat lagu.


His lonely back seemed so unfamiliar
I just watched him as he walked along
And tears just formed so I just cried
Because I hated myself for not knowing all this time

Because he always pretended to be calm and smiled
Because he always pretended to be strong in front of me
I didn’t even think of it, I thought I would never see it
So I didn’t know about his lonely back

I didn’t know back then, I was too young
You must have been lonelier than anyone else but I didn’t approach you
Now I finally know, I hope it’s not too late
These are the words I wanted to say so much, I love you forever
My father

Father (PSY)

Psy memang terkenal dengan lagu Gangnam Style yang kocak. Tapi, dia juga punya lagu yang mengharukan. Lagu ini bercerita tentang ayah yang selalu kuat di depan anaknya, dan meyakinkan anaknya untuk enggak usah khawatir. Namun, ketika sudha beranjak dewasa, sang anak mulai menjauh dari sang ayah. Hingga akhirnya sang anak sadar dan memanfaatkan lagu ini untuk mengucapkan rasa sayang.

He's only been looking forward in his life.
Now that the kids have already grown they won't even listen to him.
All his life he sacrificed his best days for his wife and the kids.
Trying to make just a bit more money, looking at the kids' photo.
Swallowing tears, risking his life, he gets back up even when he's exhausted.
What if I pass out?
"Kids, don't worry, your father's a Superman"

Can't do anything when pressed down from above.
Can't avoid when struck from below.
Scary, this world, want to run away.
Shit, I still endure.
I still live on for the oblivious, happy kids snuggling in my arms everyday.
Tired but will still go to work. "Honey, kids, your daddy's going to work."

Father, now I finally realize,
How did you live like that?
Don't be lonely anymore.
From now on we'll go together.

Dad, You There (JYJ)

Lagu sedih ini bercerita tentang sang anak yang merindukan ayah yang sudah meninggal. Meski fisiknya enggak lagi ada, tapi kenangan dan kasih syaang yang ditinggalkan sang ayah selalu terasa. Dan, itulah sumber kekuatan sang anak. Dengerin lagu ini sukses bikin kita pengin memeluk papa, nih.


I sit on the white light that I see far away
I long for you, who I can’t see anymore
I softly take out the memories that have lost its owner
My days without you, I don’t know where to start
What if he wasn’t angel

Always by my side
What if he wasn’t angel
You used to do everything with me
After letting you go, I was left alone, but you were sent to me again
Without you, just an empty shell
What if he wasn’t angel
What if he wasn’t angel

Sorry (Dear Daddy) (f(x))

Waktu kecil dulu mungkin kita sering membangkang pada papa, dan tanpa sengaja menyakiti hati papa. Setelah dewasa, ketika teringat lagi masa itu, membuat kita teringat akan kesalahan. Dan, enggak ada lagi yang bisa kita lakukan selain minta maaf, seperti yang disampaikan di lagu ini.
 Image result for fx cute

Forgive me if I possibly hurt your feelings today.
My immature self just said immature things.
If you possibly can’t understand my feelings, it’s fine.
No need for excuses, It’s all my fault.

Even if you don’t say everyone knows, both your eyes are immersed with tears.
Sorry, so sorry. This is my heart.
You know the day I’ve opened up my heart I’ll do better.
Sorry. (Sorry) I’m sorry. (Sorry) I can’t say anything other than this. Yeah~

You can still hate me for your sorrowful feelings.
There’s no need for any expressions. To me you’ll be here forever.

Yanghwa Bridge (Zion T)

Lagu ini dibuat Zion T untuk mengenang kembali masa kecilnya, ketika kehidupan dia dan keluarganya tinggal berkecukupan. Di lagu ini, Zion T mengingat kembali ketika dia menelepon ayahnya untuk bertanya di mana dia berada dan sang ayah menjawab Yanghwa Bridge. Setelah dewasa, saat berada di Yanghwa Bridge, Zion T teringat kepahitan masa kecilnya, dan dia pengin mengajak ayah, ibu, dan dua orang kakaknya untuk bahagia.

 Image result for zion t

I was always alone at home
My dad was a taxi driver
Whenever I asked him where he was
He’d answer, the Yang Hwa Bridge
Every morning, he’d leave me candy and ramen
My dad would end his shifts at dawn
I remember the young me, always waiting for his pocket
Mom, dad, my two older sisters
I was the baby of the family, the cutie
I remember those days
I remember



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